Commitment to Quality Care and Patient Safety

Labrador-Grenfell Health has been innovative in its delivery of healthcare, commitment to quality and safety, and exceptional care delivery.  Physicians, nurses and staff are focused on improving patient safety and the quality of care. You and your family members are key advocates for your safe and effective care.

Be Involved in Your Care

1. Ask, Talk, Listen

As a patient or family member, it is important that you be involved in your health care. People who are more involved tend to do better and stay safe. To ensure that you or your family member receive the best care possible, remember to ask – talk – listen with your team of healthcare providers.

Ask Questions

Your healthcare team will talk with you about your condition and go over your treatments or tests so that you know what is planned. Having all the information you need will help you to understand your condition and be able to help with your own care. Please ask questions about your health. This can help you make educated decisions and better deal with your condition. We suggest you write down any questions as you think of them so you can ask them the next time you see your doctor or nurse.

Talk: Share as much information as you can about your condition

Health care providers do best when they have all of the information they need to take care of you properly and safely. Tell your health care providers about any allergies you may have.


When talking to your doctor or healthcare professional, listen to what he or she is saying. If you do not understand tell them or ask further questions.

2. Wash your hands

Washing your hands is the best way to prevent the spread of germs. Make sure you wash your hands when you visit health care facilities to prevent the spread of germs or bacteria, and ask your healthcare providers to do the same.

3. Patient Identification

Safety means checking and re-checking all of the information we have about you — and the first step is making sure we know you are you!

Each time you arrive at the hospital, you will be asked to provide your health care card and the clerk will ask you to update your personal health information.

Each time you receive any treatment, exam or medication in our hospitals, you will be asked again for your name and date of birth and we will check your ID bracelet to confirm your identity. This will help reduce the risk of your health care provider giving you the wrong medication or treatment.

4. Help plan your discharge

Before you are discharged from the hospital, make sure you have all the information you need. Don’t be afraid to ask your health care providers questions about what to expect during the first few days after you leave the hospital. Always ask for contact information in the unlikely event that something goes wrong after you leave the hospital.

SHIFT to Safety

Improving patient care safety and quality in Canada requires everyone’s involvement. This includes patients and their families, healthcare providers, and leaders in healthcare organizations. ​​SHIFT to Safety, a program of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, is a major shift to empower you with the tools and information you need to keep patients safe, whether you are a member of the public, a practitioner, or a leader.

Click here to visit their website to learn more!

Please Ask Us! Brochure

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