Public Notice – January 12, 2021
The Standards of Practice as set out by the Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board and the College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador, requires Labrador-Grenfell Health to change the manner in which medications are dispensed at its community clinics along the Labrador coast.
As a result, the Natuashish Community Clinic will no longer be dispensing long-term prescriptions as of February 8, 2021. Â This change in medication dispensing services will continue to be implemented at other community clinics in the future.
This change promotes and protects the rights and responsibilities of clients and follows regulatory standards and best practices for the dispensing of medications.
Clients are responsible to:
- Contact the Natuashish clinic to review active prescription(s).
- Make an appointment at the clinic one month before prescription(s) need to be renewed. (This information can be found on the label of current prescription medications. Please see sample label below.)
- Choose a community pharmacy to transfer any active prescriptions from the clinic. (Labrador-Grenfell Health can fax new prescriptions to the community pharmacy chosen by clients, if required.)
- Discuss medication pick-up/delivery and arrange payment with the community pharmacy. (Only medications filled at pharmacies in Happy Valley-Goose Bay may be picked up at the Hopedale clinic.)
Labrador-Grenfell Health will continue to have a small supply of medications in case they are required by clients on short notice. The clinic will continue to provide acute-care medications.
Nursing staff at the Natuashish Community Clinic will be available to answer questions and provide support during this change. For more information, please contact the Natuashish Community Clinic at (709) 478-8842.

Uiatanekenua eshaminuantshi ntukuna ute Natuashish natuatshuapesish Nta tshetshishapents epishimini skueau 8, 2021 etshishtanakent
Esha tutakents mishiue tshekuan Newfoundland mak Labrador ntukuna kaiatanas utshimauets mak entshe natuenishkuesa kenakatuapemeutshi mishiue etatashentshi, ntashumakenuets mishiue tshetshi atanas eshaminuets natu-una nete mishiue natuetshuapasish mishiue nete Labrador etakuashi natuetshuapesa.
Eku, Natuashish ntuatshuapis tshekatshi minuanua eku antsh auentshi mushanau kaminakanutshi ntukuna anta epishimini skueau 8, 2021 etshishtanakenatshi. Enkuen eapets tshenashpents nete kuetaka ntuatshauapesa eshkuete muk.
Enkuen ettu menuats nanu tshetshi tutakents tante tshekui nakatuapatakenu auen mishiue utapenitamuen kie uin auen eshanakatuenamushut.
Auen tshenashanakatuenamushut:
- Tshekaianamueu nete Natuashish ntuatshuapesish tshetshi nantusenita untuunama
- Tsheaianumuen nete ntuatshuapesish eka peik pishumueats tshetshi mishkutanakentshi tshentukunama. Nta tshemeshke putasish tshetakunama katakuenuani tshesi minuats ntuenitamen kuetaka. Uapata ume eshanakuash.
- Tsheuitamen nte tshentashanakentshi
Tshentukunama, uintashame. Kushpe ntukutshuapish tshekatasham Mishinanekenu nete uantashamen Tshentukunama.
- Tsheuitamen tshetutakentshi Tshentukunama tshin put uinatame/put Tshetshi peshtapantshi kie tshishiashu ntakune nete tshekatshishiashun.
- (muk nenua ntukuna nete apipani kushpe katutakenuani nete muk pupatents ntukutshuapasish tshekanatakenua).
Nete apipani kushpe ntukutshuapish eshk tshakatshinate tshentukunama kanashpashin tshetshinatamen nete ntukutshuapasish. Eshk nte tshekatakuea ntukuna entsh auentshi neuesh kaushutshi. ntukunishkuesets nete Natuashish mushenau tshekatauets tsheuitamatakuets uintusenitamekue ettu tshekuan. Tshematueshteak ettu uintusenitakekue (709) 478-8842.