Patient and Family Advisor Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastStreet Address *Town *Province *Postal Code (ex. X1X 1X1) *Phone Number (ex. 709-555-5555) *Checkboxes *HomeCellEmailPreferred method of contact *Home PhoneCell PhoneEmailThe next set of questions will help us to know you betterI am a: *PatientFamily member of a patientThe last care experience I or my family member received at Labrador-Grenfell Health was in: *2021202020192018I speak the following language(s): (Check all that apply) *EnglishInnu Aimun (Sheshatshiu)FrenchInnu Aimun (Mushuau)OtherInuttitutIf you chose "Other" above, please indicate additional languages spoken.We recognize that our Patient and Family Advisors have busy lives. How much time are you able to commit to being an Advisor? (Please choose one option) *Less than 1 hour per month1 to 2 hours per month3 to 4 hours per monthMore than 4 hours per monthHow do you want to help? I want to contribute in the following ways: (Check all that apply) *Story Sharing: Share your story with health care providers, staff and other patientsAdvisory Capacity: Serve as a member on regional committee(s)Committee Work – Participate on specific Program CommitteesShort- term Projects: Partner with staff on short term projects or focus groups to help improve servicesOnline Advisor: Respond online to questions/surveys about patient care and how care can be improvedHospital Facilities – provide input to help improve patient care areas, new facility construction, etc.Educational Materials – Developing/reviewing patient and family education materials and websitePolicy & Procedure Input: Review procedures and provide input to improve processes.OtherIf you chose "Other" please describe your suggestions:What are some areas/issues that are of special interest to you? *Why would you like to serve as a Patient and Family Advisory? *Please read carefully and confirm the following by checking the boxes *I understand that by submitting this application and/or being interviewed does not guarantee a position as a Patient and Family Advisor.Checkboxes *I understand that prior to beginning as a Patient and /or Family Advisor, I must sign a Confidentiality AgreementDate: (ex. January 1, 2021) *WebsiteSubmit application