Did you know that Newfoundlanders and Labradorians consume the most alcohol per capita in Canada?
The people of our province involve alcohol in many social and recreational activities – from shed parties, birthdays, weddings, recreational sport and even funerals. When it comes to alcohol, it’s clear there is a culture of overconsumption, not moderation! The reality is that, when not used responsibly, alcohol can cause serious harm – to health, decision making and well-being.
Since alcohol consumption can have both a long-term and short-term impact on health, it’s important to inform yourself on the risks. Indulging in more than one or two standard sized drinks a day can increase the risk for many types of cancers, as well as other chronic illnesses and health risks.
We are not telling you not to drink – as that is your choice – but if you do, please do so responsibly. With a few simple tips, you can make a huge difference in your own health and safety.
The Rethink that Drink is an educational campaign about evaluating our alcohol consumption, and informing ourselves about the risks. Check out the video below to learn more about low-risk drinking and Canada’s Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines.
Rethink That Drink is an awareness campaign funded by International Grenfell Association in collaboration with Eastern Health and was inspired from the “Rethink That Drink” campaign in Ontario.