Person and Family-Centred Care

Patient and family-centred care is driven by four core concepts:
- Patients and families are treated with respect and dignity
- Patients and families are invited to participate in clinical decision making at the level they choose
- Patients and families are invited to collaborate with us as partners on committees
- Patients and families have access to information so they can be involved in their care

Partners in your care
By partnering with you and your family, Labrador-Grenfell Health will make sure you have the best possible experience while you receive services. We believe that you and your family are important members of our team; we want you to be included and to have your voice heard.
Labrador-Grenfell Health is committed to providing a Person and Family Centered Care approach that fosters a compassionate, and culturally responsive care that meets the needs, values and beliefs of patients and their family members.
When patients and families build partnerships with their healthcare team, health care improves and everyone benefits!
Click the links below to learn more about our commitment to those we serve:
The Institute for Patient and Family-Centered Care defines Person and Family Centered Care as “an approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care providers, patients and families”.
Labrador-Grenfell Health invites patients and families to partner with them as Patient and Family Advisors (PFAs). PFAs volunteer their time to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas. PFAs team up with the organization to make health care experiences and health outcomes better.
Patient and Family Advisors help identify what is being done well and help identify areas for improvement and make recommendations to improve service. Advisors can help the organization move beyond the “what is wrong” stage to developing effective solutions.
Patient and Family advisors can offer:
Insight on Labrador-Grenfell Health’s strengths and areas where changes may be needed.
Feedback on practices and policies that patients and families find meaningful and useful in helping them be active partners in their care.
- Meaningful change and contribute to the provision of Excellence in Care.

Volunteer as a Patient and Family Partner!
Labrador-Grenfell Health is now recruiting patient and family partners to join with our staff as we continue our journey towards Person and Family Centered Care. We know that involving patients and families and listening to their feedback will help us provide the best possible care.
Learn more about becoming a Patient and Family Partner below.
Our patient and family advisors are volunteers who have had a recent experience (generally in the last 3 years) of being a patient or the family member of a patient.
As an advisor, you bring expertise about what it is like to be a patient or family member. Advisors partner with staff and physicians to provide direct input into policies, programs and practices which affect patient care and services. Your voice and your experiences matter.
If you have a genuine interest in helping Labrador-Grenfell Health make the patient experience the best it can be, then becoming a volunteer advisor might be the right role for you. Learn how to apply to be an advisor under the “Apply Today!” section below.
The purpose of Person and Family Advisors is to work in partnership with Labrador-Grenfell Health to help improve the quality of care. The role of a Person and Family Advisor includes, but is not limited to:
- Partnering with staff to ensure care is provided in a fully accessible environment that promotes healing, ensures dignity and instills trust.
- Keeping the patient and family as the focal point of the care we provide.
- Building partnerships with LGH staff based on mutual respect and open communication.
- Participating in quality improvement initiatives, process improvement projects, and program development. These may include:
- Being responsible for attending meetings and familiarizing yourself with materials sent out prior to each meeting.
- Adhering to all Labrador–Grenfell Health policies, procedures and guidelines including Code of Conduct, Confidentiality and Infection Prevention and Control.
- Respect the confidentiality and privacy of information about patients and the organization.
- Serving as a member of a short-term work group or committee
- Sharing your stories with hospital leadership, clinicians, and other staff
- Participate occasionally in meetings where perspectives of patients and families are needed for decision making
- Develop and review educational materials (such as information for patients, families or the public)
- Model the four pillars of Patient- and Family-Centred Care in their work: Respect and Dignity, Information Sharing, Participation, and Collaboration.
Patient and Family Advisors:
- Are interested in working with healthcare staff as well as other patients and families.
- Are committed to improving the experience of all patients and families.
- Model the four pillars of Patient- and Family-Centered Care in their work: Respect and Dignity, Information Sharing, Participation, and Collaboration.
- Are open to working with others whose backgrounds, experiences and styles may be different than their own.
- Exercise excellence, respect, integrity, and compassion in their role.
- Are professional, reliable and punctual.
- Are willing to learn new skills.
- Respect privacy and confidentiality.
- Respect other’s opinions and perspectives.
- Are able to share insights and information about their experiences to help evolve programs, services and hospital priorities.
We believe it is very important for prospective Patient and Family Advisors to clearly understand the program criteria to ensure a mutual match for both the advisor and Labrador-Grenfell Health. Kindly review this volunteer program requirements and ensure you can meet the program’s expectations prior to beginning the application process.
- Experience — All Patient and Family Advisors are required to have had an experience with LGH within the past three years, either as a patient or as a primary caregiver/family member to a patient.
- Time commitment — Time commitment can vary: Generally, most advisors would commit to volunteering for a 1–2-year period. Time commitment each month will depend on the nature of your project. Please reflect on your availability and ensure this is a commitment you can make!
- Vaccinations and screenings– To promote a safe work environment, we suggest that you have up to date vaccinations and applicable communicable disease screening.
- Orientation — Once accepted to the Patient and Family Advisor program, you will be required to attend an orientation day where we will review hospital policies, procedures, communication skills and how to be successful in your new role. You will be required to complete and submit all required documentation prior to starting your role.
- Satisfactory Code of Conduct
- Privacy and confidentiality — You are expected to comply with our hospital’s policies regarding privacy and confidentiality in respect to the use and distribution of patient information
There are a variety of ways that Person and Family Advisors can be engaged in improving care and can include:
- Story Sharing: Share your story with health care providers, staff and other patients
- Advisory Capacity: Serve as a member on regional committee(s).
- Committee Work – Participate on specific Program Committees
- Short- term Projects: Partner with staff on short term projects or focus groups to help improve services
- Online Advisor: Respond online to questions/surveys about patient care and how care can be improved
- Hospital Facilities – provide input to help improve patient care areas, family resource rooms, new facility construction, etc.
- Educational Materials – Developing/reviewing patient and family education materials and website
- Policy & Procedure Input: Review procedures and provide input to improve the hospital internal process.
Requests from patient and family advisors are sent to the Person & Family Centered Care Coordinator. Upon review, we will send out requests to our list of patient and family partners that have experience or expressed interest in specific topics. The request will include a description of the type of project or work and the specific dates and times that are being asked for.
Patient and family advisors can connect with the coordinator to indicate that they would like to be involved, and their availability. The Coordinator will confirm your involvement and connect you with the local project, committee or working group lead, who will give you any additional details you might require to be prepared to participate.
- You decide how much time you volunteer as a Patient and Family Advisor. It may be a one-time activity, such as material review or storytelling. It may involve on-going participation in a committee, working group, or a team;
- The time commitment will vary depending on the program / project.
- To ensure fair representation from our many patients and families, the maximum term that a patient and family partner can participate in any one engagement opportunity is two years with the opportunity to renew;
- Advisors may provide a few minutes per month or a few hours based on the item that you are asked to provide input on for Labrador-Grenfell Health;
- Commitment is usually to the areas that interest you;
- Communication is by telephone or by email;
- To accommodate Patient and Family Advisors residing in another city or community, teleconference or videoconference is available.
- Advisor orientation, support and recognition will be provided by Labrador-Grenfell Health.
- All advisors are required to participate in orientation in advance of beginning their role, and to participate in ongoing education as necessary.
For more information on becoming a patient and family advisor please call Stacey at 1-833-454-2772 or email
If you are interested in making a difference in the quality of healthcare, please follow the steps below:
- Review, complete and submit your online Patient and Family Advisor Application ( see button below)
- For further information, please contact:
- By phone 1-833-454-2772 or
- By email
Next Steps:
- Individuals who have expressed interest and meet the criteria above will be contacted to schedule an interview.
- Upon interview completion, screening and reference checks will be completed.
- Successful applicants will be notified and informed of onboarding requirements.
- Onboarding and Information sessions will be provided on a quarterly basis. Advisors meeting the criteria will be notified of the date and time that they have been scheduled for orientation.
Online Application
Click the button below to start your application today! If you have any questions, please call Stacey at 1-833-454-2772 or email to learn more.