Public Advisory – March 25, 2020
Along with Labrador-Grenfell Health’s regular emergency planning, the authority has been working with the Department of Health and Community Services and the other Regional Health Authorities over the past two months to prepare for the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Through this planning, Labrador-Grenfell health has developed a regional strategy to ensure testing is available to residents in all areas of our region.
Additionally, we have contingency plans in place for all Labrador-Grenfell Health facilities should testing volume surpass ability for Public Health to provide home visits. Staff have been identified to support anticipation of potential increases in the number of people requiring testing.
On March 18th, Labrador-Grenfell Health launched its first Assessment and Testing centre. Due to the unique climate in the area, the centre has been established in a designated space inside the Labrador Health Centre to reduce risk of exposure of others to potential infection. Appointments for COVID-19 testing are scheduled at the assessment centre and ensure timely care for those requiring this service.
Individuals are identified as needing COVID-19 testing through an assessment process set up via the 811 Health Line.
If you or a loved one has:
- returned from travel in the last 14 days (both internationally and out-of-province); OR
- has come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19; AND
- is experiencing symptoms of – Coughing, fever or difficulty breathing
Please complete the online self-assessment at
Call 811 if directed after completion of the online assessment.
You will be referred to Labrador-Grenfell Health if you require testing and an appointment will be made at the health facility or Public Health office nearest you. During your appointment, you will be tested for COVID-19 and will be notified by Public Health of your results.
“Our Health Authority staff have been preparing for weeks now to have assessment and testing for COVID-19 accessible for residents of the Labrador-Grenfell Health region. Our first facility for assessment and testing began operations last Wednesday March 18th and is operating well,” stated Medical Officer of Health Dr. Thomas Piggott. “Throughout the region, our facilities and staff are prepared to manage testing needs for people that have symptoms of COVID-19 with exposure due to travel or contact with a confirmed case.”
We would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation in sharing information throughout our communities and supporting the social responsibilities we all have during this time to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
For more information and regular updates on COVID-19, please visit the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador website at
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Media Contact:
Amanda MacNeil
Regional Director of Communications
Labrador-Grenfell Health
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL