Fresh. Frozen. Canned. All good options!
Did you know that canned and frozen vegetables and fruit have the same nutritional value as fresh vegetables and fruit?
We invite you to browse this website, and encourage you to taste and explore different vegetables and fruit with every meal and snack that fit into your family budget and time.
Vegetables and fruit have a positive impact on health. Healthy eating is a key element in human development; it helps people get enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, reduces the risk of chronic disease and contributes to overall health and vitality.

Contact Information
If you are interested in partnering with Labrador-Grenfell Health, or if you would like to plan an event to promote vegetables and fruit, please contact the appropriate healthcare professional in your area.
If your group is interesting in promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruit, you may wish to post Labrador-Grenfell Health’s campaign poster in your area.
Please contact:
Lynn Blackwood, Regional Nutritionist, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, telephone 709-896-2330, e-mail
Download Promotional Posters:
Labrador-Grenfell Health encourages its stakeholders to display these posters where appropriate. Access the downloads or contact Lynn Blackwood about getting posters sent to you in the mail:
There are many ways to taste and explore fresh veggies and fruit and still save money!
- Pick berries.
- Grow vegetables and fruit in your own garden, greenhouse or a community garden.
- Buy only what your family will eat within a few days.
- Buy at different stage of ripeness, some that are ready to eat and some that will ripen in a few days.
- Store properly to prevent spoilage.
- Do not wash produce (except leafy greens) before storing since it will make them go bad faster.
- Freeze over ripe bananas to use in smoothies or to make banana muffins or bread.
- Plan meals and snacks around what fresh produce you have on hand.
- Buy in season at your local grocery store or farmer’s market.
- Instead of buying pre-chopped raw vegetables buy whole vegetables, such as a bag of carrots or head of broccoli, peel and chop yourself.
Need more time? Pre-prepared options like mini carrots and bagged salads are available at many grocery stores. These options can cost more, but can be convenient and save time.

Additional Links
- Resources and Recipes, Veggies & Fruit
- Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA)
- Home Storage Guide for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables (PDF) – Half Your Plate
- How do I store my fruit and veggies so that they last as long as possible? – Half Your Plate
- Information about specific fruit – Half Your Plate
- Using Fruit and Vegetables – Half Your Plate
- Store it! A guide to storing fresh vegetables and fruit (PDF) – Interior Health
- NL Local Food Seasonality Chart – Food First NL

Did you know that frozen vegetables and fruit have the same nutritional value as fresh vegetables and fruit? Adding frozen veggies and fruit to all meals and snacks will help you get the nutrients that your body needs. Plus they’re easy and fast to prepare! We invite you to taste and explore frozen vegetables and fruit. Below are some of the reasons why:
- Just as nutritious as fresh veggies and fruit.
- Add variety to your meals and snacks.
- Available in large bags so you can stock up when on sale.
- Last a long time in your freezer (6 -12 months).
- Require little preparation (washing and slicing is already done).
- Quality is consistent year round.
- Lower cost than fresh vegetables and fruit.
- Plus, you can use only what your family needs!
Remember, when buying frozen, choose options without added salt, sugar and sauces.
Freeze any vegetables and fruit that you have bought, picked or grown as soon as possible. Fruit should be ripe but firm, avoid over ripe or spoiled produce. It is recommended to blanch veggies and fruit before freezing.

Canned vegetables and fruit can be as nutritious as their fresh counterparts. Canned vegetables and fruit are convenient and easy to use. When buying canned goods, choose those that have little or no added fat, sugar or salt.
Why taste and explore canned vegetables and fruit?
- Just as nutritious as fresh and frozen.
- Lower cost than fresh or frozen.
- Require little preparation- simply open the can and heat up in minutes!
- Quality is consistent year-round.
- You can stock up when on sale.
- Add variety to your meals.
- Non-perishable (lasts a long time on the shelf) and therefore results in little wastage.
Choose canned fruit that has been packed in water or in its own juice. Cut down on salt by using low or sodium-free canned vegetables, or by rinsing them before use.

Eating Habits
As a parent or caregiver, you play an important job in shaping your children’s eating habits. You have a role in deciding where meals and snacks are served and what foods to offer your children. Positive experiences with food will help your children develop healthy eating habits. Having regular meals and snacks at simliar times every day creates a healthy routine. If your children eat throughout the day, they may not be hungry when it’s time for a meal or snack.
Family meals can be an opportunity to provide positive role modeling and allow you to lead by example. Children learn from watching adults. By seeing you eat vegetables and fruit your children are more likely to do the same.

Enjoy vegetables and fruit with every meal! Think about what meals you currently provide to your family and how you can add vegetables or fruit to these meals. For instance, you can add:
- Onions, canned mushrooms or peppers to spaghetti sauce or have a tossed salad on the side.
- Sliced banana or fresh or frozen berries to cereal.
- Some lettuce, tomato, peppers, avocado or cucumber to sandwiches or have sliced veggies on the side.
- Leftover veggies to soups, salads or casseroles instead of throwing them out.
- Try preparing vegetables in different ways – raw, baked and steamed.
- Wash and chop vegetables ahead of time for tomorrow night’s dinner and store in a closed container in your refrigerator.
- Cook extra supper to have leftovers the next day.
- Round out meals with fresh or canned fruit.
When buying canned and frozen vegetables and fruit, choose options that have little or no added fat, sugar or salt.

Additional Links
- Resources and Recipes, Veggies and Fruit
- Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA)
- Eat Well Recipes, Healthy Canadians
- Ellyn Satter Institute
- Plan Ahead, Raising Our Healthy Kids
- Well Stocked Fridge and Kitchen Cupboard for Quick and Easy Meals, Raising Our Healthy Kids
- Regular Meals Kids Can Count On, Raising Our Healthy Kids

Vegetables and fruit are great options for snacks! Making snacks does not have to involve a great deal of preparation, searching for recipes, or complicated “kid-friendly” ideas! Options can simply be fresh fruit, fruit cups, frozen fruit with yogurt, or veggie sticks and hummus or dip.
Keep in mind to:
Prepare snacks in advance. If healthy snacks are available, people are more likely to choose them when hunger strikes !

Feeding Your Child
As a parent or caregiver, it isn’t about “getting your child to eat,” your job is to feed your child properly. When it comes to healthy eating, both you and your child have a job to do!
Did you know that increasing vegetable and fruit intake may be the single most dietary important change you can make to help improve your family’s health?
- Learn more about eating habits, meals and snacks.
As a parent, you decide for your child:
- What – Offer your child the same food you prepare for the family as children do not need special foods. Use Canada’s Food Guide to choose a variety of foods.
- When – Create a routine of meals and sit-down snacks at about the same times every day, usually three meals and two to three snacks each day. This routine creates structure, and your child will learn that he/she will be fed. Offer only water in between meals and snacks.
- Where – Include your child at the family table where he/she can see you eating, learn about foods and how to feed himself/herself.
- How – Give your child the time to explore foods in a calm, pleasant setting. When eating, remove distractions, e.g. turn off the TV and remove things such as toys and games. Do not force or pressure your child to eat a certain food or to eat a certain amount of food. Offer new foods along with familiar foods.
Your child decides:
- How much to eat – Allow your child to eat enough to satisfy his/her hunger, whether that’s a small amount or more than usual. Don’t worry if your child doesn’t eat a lot at one meal or snack; he/she will soon have another time to eat.
- What to eat – Allow your child to decide what he/she will eat from what you offer. As a parent or caregiver, you do not need to prepare something different; doing so does not help your child learn to try new foods or to enjoy what the family is eating.
Parents and caregivers’ role is to decide what, when and where to feed; children’s role is to decide how much and whether to eat.

Picky Eating
- Plan to eat vegetables and fruit because you enjoy them, not because you feel you have to eat them.
- Provide yourself and your family time and repeated, unpressured opportunities to see, touch and taste different types of vegetables and fruit.
- Be patient but persistent as it can take 15 to 20 times of trying a new food before you learn to like it.

Labrador-Grenfell Health will be participating in various events throughout the region to promote and raise awareness about vegetables and fruit. Please check back often to find out what’s happening near you!
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Peacock Primary School, Happy Valley-Goose Bay
10:00 a.m., Resource Room