The Ambulance request contact numbers for the various Labrador Grenfell Health’s Ambulance services are:
St Anthony 911 or 709-453-3344
Flowers Cove 911 or 709-456-3344
Roddickton 911 or 709-457-3344
Happy Valley Goose Bay 911 or 709-896-2100
Labrador City/Wabash 911 or 709-285-8888
St Lunarie Griquet Ambulance Service is 911 or 709-623-2222
Labrador South Ambulance Service in the Forteau area is 911 or 709-931-3344
Labrador South Ambulance Service in the Port Hope Simpson area is 911 or 709-960-0911
Labrador South Ambulance Service in the Cartwright area is 911 or 709-938-7890